This index does not include "Tisbury", "West Tisbury", "Holmes Hole", "Vineyard Haven", "Holmes Haven", "Martha's Vineyard", "Dukes County", "Massachusetts," or Tisbury cemetery locations.
Ships have been indexed under "Bark", "Brig", "Cutter", "Schooner", "Ship", "Sloop", "Steamer", "Whaleship", etc. Vessels referred to by name only are indexed under "Ship."
Names have been standardized to Lippincott's New Gazetteer, J.P. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1905. My notes (including guesses at ambiguous place names) are included in brackets. Unidentified place names have been left in their original spelling in quotation marks.
"Abany", "Abbany", "Abbny", "Ablanay", "Abny", or "Allanay", Maine [Albany, Maine?] 437, 483, 485 Aberffraw, Anglesea Co., England 94 Addison, Maine 337, 340 Africa 648 "Alderhan, Germany" 547 American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb 373 Antietam [Creek] [Maryland] II-86 "Aspinwall, N. G." 310, 311 Auburn, New York 786 Australia II-39 Avon, Maine 140, 486 Azores [also called "Western Islands"] II-51 Bahia, South America [Brazil] II-58 Balls Bluff [Virginia] II-86 Baltimore 635, II-86 Bangor, Maine 249, 714, 750, II-41, II-148, F-26 "Bankport"[?], Maine 393 Barnstable 533, 679, 881 Bark ----- 310, 311 Bark Adeline Gibbs 718 Bark Carrie Leland II-39 Bark Cherokee 718 Bark Fabius 718 Bark Flight 323 Bark Frances Henrietta 718 Bark Helen Augusta 462 Bark Lotus II-51 Bark Maurice II-51 Bark Midas 718 Bark Morning Star 252 Bark Sarah 660 Bark Scotland II-28 Bass River [NJ, NB, or NS?] 745 Baton Rouge [Louisiana] II-88 Belfast, Maine II-98 Biddeford, Maine II-136 Block Island II-34 Blue Hill [Maine?] 668 Boston 50, 139, 205, 216, 310, 311, 312, 414, 414, 557, 567, 606, 612, 634, 646, 647, 760, 785, 799, 802, 877, II-28, II-51, II-125, II-149, F-4, F-33, F-45, F-46 Brattleboro, Vermont F-48 Brewster [Mass.?] 284 Bridgeport [Conn.?] 310, 311 Bridgetown, New Jersey 504 Bridgewater [Mass.?] 199, 567 Bridgewater, New York II-159 Brig ----- 209 Brig Anglo Saxon 205 Brig Eastern State 139 Brig George Burnham 697 Brig Georgiana II-26 Brig Larukah 249 Brig Mercy Taylor 648 Brig Quoddy Belle 65 Bristol, Maine 121, 127, 139, 406 Bristol, Rhode Island II-51, F-23 Brooklyn 349, 442, 481, 687, 728,F-9, F-46, F-51 Bucksport, Maine 26 "Bukupon"[?] 781 Buzzards Bay 428, 429 California 14, 37, 69, 310, 311, 596, II-3, II-6, II-7, II-51 Callao [Peru] 310, 311 Cambridge, Henry Co., Illinois 438 Canton [Mass??] 751 Cape Charles [Virginia] 310, 311 Cape Cod 323, II-149 Cape Horn 292 Cape May [New Jersey] 716 Cape Poge Pond [Edgartown] 596 "Capes of Delaware" 310, 311 "Caroline Mills", Rhode Island 816 Carver, Mass. 414 Chagres, Panama [popular route to California] 37, II-16 Chappaquonsett [Tisbury] 219, 335 Chappaquiddick 53, 54 Charleston 314 Charlestown [Mass.?] F-11 Chatham [Mass.] 284 Chile 310, 311 Chilmark 43, 44, 56, 68, 75, 81, 105, 109, 114, 142, 148, 188, 198, 201, 203, 227, 238, 251, 253, 276, 279, 291, 299, 315, 324, 326, 338, 345, 348, 383, 388, 04, 416, 419, 424, 428, 429, 446, 447, 448, 449, 465, 470, 539, 582, 595, 640, 642, 664, 676, 690, 700, 703, 704, 731, 770, 776, 827, 844, 846, 863, 874, 878, II-10, II-17, II-40, II-49, II-53, II-54, II-60, II-69, II-80, II-90, II-66, II-119, II-121, II-122, II-125, II-126, II-127, II-133, II-134, II-143, II-154, II-178, F-31, F-33 Chincha Islands [Peru] 310, 311 Christaintown [West Tisbury] II-167 Cleveland, Ohio F-35, F-43 Colchester, Connecticut F-36 Cotuit Port [Mass.] 715 Curacoa [island off Venezuela] 625 Cutter Active 796 Cuttyhunk 718 Darien [Connecticut?] 139 Dartmouth [Mass.] 364, 370 Deal, England 474 Deep Bottom, West Tisbury 755 Deleware 156, 168, 366 Detroit F-28 Dighton, Mass. 816 Donaldsonville, Louisiana II-85 Dorchester, New Brunswick II-149 Dublin, Ireland 499, 868 East Boston 310, 311 East Hampton, New York 310, 311 East Lyme, Conn. F-8, F-16, F-24, F-42 East Tisbury 284, 290 Eastham, Mass. 584, 858, II-46 Eastport, Maine 190, 691 Eastville 353, 591, II-118 Edgartown 40, 44, 125, 132, 138, 144, 174, 183, 205, 213, 250, 280, 281, 284, 291, 295, 317, 372, 405, 412, 420, 433, 441, 442, 445, 455, 458, 471, 480, 498, 517, 533, 536, 545, 556, 579, 582, 586, 620, 628, 662, 677, 688, 718, 733, 737, 739, 742, 755, 757, 767, 773, 780, 787, 797, 798, 811, 813, 814, 829, 831, 835, 841, 847, 869, 882, II-33, II-65, II-79, II-86, II-89, II-98, II-115, II-118, II-138, II-140, II-153, II-171, II-194, F-25, F-32 England 10, 478, 489 Evans, New York F-5 Exeter, New Hampshire 424 Fairhaven, Mass. 260, 310, 311, 344, 468, 609, 874 Fall River 741 Falmouth 106, 232, 271, 418, 435, 461, 470, 790 Farm Pond [Oak Bluffs] II-41 Farmington, Maine 174, 250, 398, 784, F-1, F-47.5, F-49 Fayal [Azores] II-24 "Fomisner"[?] 658 Foster, Rhode Island 140, 486 Franklin, Maine 98 Franklin, Mass. 700 Freeport, Maine 697, 853 Galveston [Texas] 646, 647 Gardiner, Maine 74, F-34 Gay Head 109, 284, 581, 793 Georgetown, Maine F-20, F-21 Germany 212 Gettysburg [Pennsylvania] II-86 Gloucester [Mass.] 658 Gosnold 663 Graciosa, Western Islands [Azores] 540 Grass Valley, California F-18 Halifax [Nova Scotia] II-51 Hamburg [Germany?] II-51 Hampden, Maine 165 Hampton Roads [Virginia] 310, 311 "Hancock, Rhode Island" 816 Hartford, Conn. 304, 373 Harwich [Mass.] 284, 323 Havana, Cuba 873, II-28 Haverhill [Mass.] 867 Havre, France II-163, II-165 Head of the Pond [Tisbury / Edgartown] 194, II-86, II-89, II-142 Hebron, Virginia II-175 Holmes Hole Harbor 405, 427, 557, II-115 Holmes Hole Neck 657 off Holmes Hole II-87 Hong Kong II-111 Honolulu 292 Hyannis 24, 226, 284, 607, 851 Indian Ocean 718 Industry, Maine 655 Ireland 25, 145, 195, 481, 499, 547, 570, 626, 672 Isles of Shoals [New Hampshire / Maine] II-149 Jeremie, St. Domingo [Haiti] 238 Jersey [England??] 288 Juan Fernandez [Island off Chile] 305 "Kanzas, Hampden City" [Hampden, Kansas?] F-12 Kennebunk [Maine] 550 Kennebunkport, Maine II-189 Kingston [Mass.??] 237 Kittery, Maine 437, 440, 483, 832 Lake Superior F-28 Lambert's Cove 110, 320, 874, II-9, II-63, II-165, II-174 Ledyard, New York 283 Leominster [Mass.] F-2, F-47 Litchfield, Conn. 860 Liverpool, England 443, F-51 Lockland, Ohio F-19 London [England?] 316, II-81 Long Island 310, 311, 723 Longplain, Mass. 642 Louisville, Kentucky 310, 311 Lubec, Maine 65 Lyme, Conn. F-3 Lynn [Mass.] F-7 Macao [Brazil?] 310, 311 Machias [Maine] 769 Madison City, Indiana F-38 Maine 16, 17, 26, 30, 100, 145, 173, 182, 209, 268, 269, 331, 658, 669, F-28, II-62, II-98 Manchester [Mass.] 322 Mansfield [Mass.] 740, 741 Marion [Mass.] F-14 Marshall, Michigan F-22 Marstons Mills [Mass.] F-27 Mashpee [Mass.] F-31 Massachusetts School Ship II-87 Mattapoisett [Mass.] 524, 525, 564 Medford [Mass.] 580 Memel, Prussia [now Lithuania] 343 Memphis, Tenn. II-172, II-173 Menemsha 868, 874 Middleboro [Mass.] 696 Middletown [Tisbury] 570, 816, 847, II-96 Middletown, Conn. II-146 Millbury, Mass. 310, 311, 816 Milton, Deleware 405 Milton [Mass.] F-37 "The Mines" [California] 14 Mobile [Alabama] 557, II-149 Montauk [New York] 310, 311 Montclair, New Jersey F-52 Montpelier, Vermont F-10 Montville [Maine?] F-15 Morristown, New Jersey 169 Nantucket 42, 66, 418, 581, 603, 818, F-4 Nashua, New Hampshire 437, 440 Nassau New Providence [Bahamas] 801 Natick, Rhode Island 816 Nauset [Mass.] II-149 Naushon II-125 New Bedford 5, 71, 151, 174, 215, 241, 292, 310, 311, 423, 428, 429, 433, 455, 456, 533, 617, 629, 636, 641, 671, 683, 777, 796, 849, 861, 884, II-39, II-125, II-180, F-25, F-29 "New Brunswick, N. S." 602 New Durham, New Hampshire II-136 New Hampshire 145, II-56, II-195 New Haven [Conn.] 310, 311 New Jersey 169, II-46 New Orleans 254, 323, II-88, II-124 New Sharon, Maine 797, II-62 New York 241, 310, 311, 349, 428, 429, 494, 574, 592, 605, 637, 698, 715, 728, 865, 873, II-3, II-16, II-26, II-39, II-51, II-81, II-98, II-137, II-149 New York City 885, II-137 New Zealand 601 Newport, Rhode Island 384, 482, 552, 598, 613, 670 Nobsqua Light II-29, II-30, II-32 Noman's Land 203, 324, 404, 513, 584 Norridgewock, Maine 579, F-49 North Bridgewater 567 North Kingston, Rhode Island 816 North Shore [Tisbury] 136, 328, 404, 435, 449, 708, 715, 868 North Stonington [Conn.] 13 North Tisbury 365, 385, 391, 542, 695, 719, 722, 725, 726, 731, 748, 753, 810, 833, 844, 855, 874, II-158, II-168, II-183, F-3, F-27, F-44 Northern Mines, California F-3 Nova Scotia 850 Oak Bluffs 841, 869 Oregon 310, 311 Orleans [Mass.] 284, 447 Pacific II-195 Pacific Islands II-51 Panama 18, 310, 311 Pensacola [Florida] 638 Philadelphia 246, 351, 380, 721, 762, 794 "Phoenix, Rhode Island" 816 Pico, Western Islands [Azores] 699 Plymouth [Mass.] 63, 215 Port au Prince, St Dominez [Haiti] 477, 494 Port Republic, New Jersey 608, 618 Port Royal, South Carolina 587 Portland, Maine 167, 567, 665, 697, 759, 720 Portsmouth, New Hampshire II-149 Provincetown [Mass.] 584, 830 Prussia 619, 631 "Pusia"[?] [Prussia?] 207 Rappahannock River [Virginia] II-78 Ravenna, Ohio 58 Realejo [west coast of Nicaragua] 67 Richmond, Virginia 422 Rio de Janeiro [Brazil] 205, II-3 Roaring Brook [Chilmark] 428, 429, 664 Robinson Crusoe Island [Juan Fernandez Island, Chile] 683 Rochester [Mass.?] 256, 356, 683 Rochester, New York 505, 758 Rockland, Maine 453, 466, 732, 807, 879 Rockport, Maine 296 "Rosnakill" 474 Round Hill Creek 428, 429 Roxbury [Mass.] II-21 Rye, New Hampshire 502 Sacramento [California] II-27 Sag Harbor [New York] 310, 311 Salem [Mass.] 231 Salisbury, North Carolina II-94 San Francisco 18, 67, 70, 299, 310, 311, II-12, II-13, II-14, II-27, F-41, F-53 Sandwich [Mass.] 43, 63, 118, 467, 842 Schooner ----- 94 Schooner Ambro II-149 Schooner Argo 664 Schooner Benj. Sharp 169 Schooner Cameo 322 Schooner Charlotte II-41 Schooner Gazelle 310, 311 Schooner General Sheridan II-146 Schooner Golden Gate 238 Schooner I. Pender Jr. 405 Schooner J. E. Sanford 873 Schooner John G. Wright II-187 Schooner Lena Bridgman II-149 Schooner Mogul 428, 429 Schooner Plandome 691 Schooner S. K. Hart 533 Schooner Sheet Anchor 296 Schooner Trade Wind 386 Scituate [Mass.] 423 "Secorifevit"[?] 817 Shanghai, China II-95 Ship Eagle's Wing 310, 311, 349 Ship G. B. Lamar 241 Ship Gladiator 292 Ship Independence 310, 311 Ship Island [Mississippi??] II-71 Ship James Arnold 718 Ship Jane Daggett 278 Ship Java 587 Ship John Milton 310, 311 Ship Julian 718 Ship Martha's Vineyard 454 Ship Matthew Luce 718 Ship Niger 718 Ship Norman 66 Ship Snap Dragon II-51 Ship Splendid 70 Ship Triumph 58 Ship Vineyard 205 "Shutland N.S. Wales" 333 Sloop-of-War Brooklyn 557 Somerset Co., Maine 398 Somerville [Mass.] F-17 South Boston 61 South Dartmouth [Mass.] II-180 Southboro [Mass.] II-72 Southhampton II-51 Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia II-101 St. George, Maine 166, 417 St. Helena [Island in South Atlantic?] 807 "St. Johns, N. B." [Newfoundland?] 604 St. Stephens, New Brunswick 657 St. Thomas [Virgin Islands] 386 Stanislaus [County], California 69 State Alms House, Bridgewater F-31, F-44 State Lunatic Asylum, Taunton, Mass. II-131 Steamer Austria II-51 Steamer Georgia II-16 Steamer Helen Augusta 718 Steamer John L. Stephens 299 Steamer Monohansett 718 Steamer New World II-3 Steamer Panama 18 Steamer Yucca 638 Stockbridge [Mass.] 180 Stockton, California 68, F-32 Stockton, Maine 616 Stockton, New York F-6 Strong, Maine F-40 Surry, Maine 466 Sweden 788 Sylamore, Arkansas 866 Talcahuano, Chili 65, 70, 252, II-48 Tarpaulin Cove [Naushon] 279 Taunton [Mass.] 199, II-125, II-171 Tisbury Neck 735, 807, II-161 Trapp's Creek II-41 Tremont, Maine II-155 Troy, New York 126 Truro [Mass.] 287 Turks Island [north of Dominican Rebublic] 386 Union, Maine 551, F-15 U.S. Marine Hospital 504, 550, 635, 665, 667, 670, 698, 714, 716, 720, 721, 732, 745, 750, 759, 760, 762, 769, 781, 785, 788, 794, 800, 801, 802, 815, 817, 831, 837, 839, 845, 848, 862, 876, 877, II-189 Vermont 567, 650 Vineyard Grove [Oak Bluffs] 782 Vineyard Haven Harbor II-187 Vineyard Sound 422 Wales, England 85 Waquoit, Mass. 782 Wareham [Mass.] 24, 106, 226 274, 851 Washington "City", D.C. F-39 Waverley, Mass. F-13 Wellfleet [Mass.] 610 West Chop 666, 796 West Lynn [Mass.] F-50 West Sandwich [Mass.] 782 Westport [Mass.] 571 Whaleship Niger 683 Wilbraham [Mass.] 792 Williamsburg, New York II-187 Williamstown, Vermont II-164 Wilmington, North Carolina 94, II-148 Winchester [Virginia] II-105 Wisconsin 310, 311, 315 Woburn [Mass.] 768, II-123 Wolcottsville [New York?] 579 Wood's Hole II-29, II-30, II-31, II-32 Worcester [Mass.] II-139 Yarmouth, Maine 479 York, Dane Co., Wisconsin F-30