Known Portuguese Families on Martha's Vineyard
"B" Surnames
The following list was extracted from the table of contents of Chapter
B of the first edition of Our Portuguese Heritage by Marianne Thomas.
Are you a descendant of one of these families? Do you have genealogical
or historical information about these Martha's Vineyard families that you
would like to share? Or is your Portuguese - Martha's Vineyard family not
represented here? We
would like to hear from you!
Families of:
Rodman Francis Backus, Jr. (1924-)
William Alfred Bagwell (1941-)
Rajinder S. Bahal (1946-)
John William Balboni
Karl P. Baldwin (1952-)
Ronald Eugene Baldwin (1946-)
Henry Freeman Baley, IV (1950-)
Antone Baptiste / Baptistor of St. Mary
Richard Carlton Barbera
John Costa Barboza (1897-1963) of St. Michael
Antone Barboza (1893-)
Nebo Barboza (1884-)
Ernest Omah Barrett (1894-1964)
Charles Edward Barstow (1956-)
Wallace Charles Bartlett (1923-)
Lillian Bartlett Perry
Gordon Wayne Bassett (1921-)
Paul T. Battairi
John Bean
Edmund Ovila Beaucaire (1912-)
Ralph Woodard Beckman (1919-1965)
Frank Crawford Beetle (1883-)
Kenneth Floyd Belain (1927-1990)
Eugene George Belisle (1916-)
Linwood Joseph Belisle (1923-)
Julio Ben David (1879-1964) of Cape Verde
Eugene L. Benefit (Benefito) (1878-1947) of St. Michael
Joseph Lopes Benefit (Benefito) (1881-1956) of St. Michael
Antone Bent
_____ Benton
Eugene Wilfred Bergeron (1917-)
Joseph (Bernardo) Bernard (1857-1911) of the Azores
Antone Bettencourt of Graciosa
Joseph S. Bettencourt (1901-1988)
Manuel S. Bettencourt (1866-1938)
Manuel S. Bettencourt (1886-1952)
Frank Betts
David Knight Billings (1961-)
Raymond Frances Billings, Jr. (1930-)
_____ Bivens
Fridolin Blanchard
John Stanley Blanchon (1932-)
Hartson Hallett Bodfish (1862-1945)
Gertrude W. Bodfish Dias
Andre Bertram Bonnell (1946-)
Joaquin C. Borges (1881-1952) of St. Michael
Manuel Rezendes Borges
Domingoes C. Borges
Mary Borges (Sylvia) (1881-) of Fayal
Joseph Borza
Clifford Sumner Boyd
Michael Charles Boyd
Jeffrey Brackett
Roger Dale Braswell
Louis V. Brocilli
R. Broduer
William Brooke
Adrian Silvia Brown (AKA Adrian Silvia) (1845-1932) of St. Michael
Arthur Edgworth Brown (1918-)
David Nicholl Brown (1935-)
Melville Charles Brown (1937-)
Thomas Brown
William Bernard Brown (1915-)
William N. Brown (1893-1946)
Robert Smith Bruguiere (1934-)
James Bryan (1925-)
Daniel Bryant (1934-)
George Edward Buckley, Jr. (1929-)
Robert Buckley
Nicholas Buranich (1921-1989)
Joseph Manuel Burgess (1854-1938) of near Orta, Fayal
Joseph Rocha Burgess (1891-1952) of Terceira
Daniel Frank Burgo (1915-) of Cape Verde
Arnold Adams Burke (1921-)
Samuel Burleson
Gary Joseph Burnett (1950-)
Sherman Francis Burnham
Raymond A. Burovac, Jr. (1935-)
Clair E. Butler (1897-)
John Joseph Butynski
Eugene Byam
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