Known Portuguese Families on Martha's Vineyard
"L" Surnames
The following list was extracted from the table of contents of Chapter
L of the first edition of Our Portuguese Heritage by Marianne Thomas.
Are you a descendant of one of these families? Do you have genealogical
or historical information about these Martha's Vineyard families that you
would like to share? Or is your Portuguese - Martha's Vineyard family not
represented here? We
would like to hear from you!
Families of:
Earl Charles La Batt (1934-)
John Gregory La Bell (1954-)
Walter Ernest La Bell (1950-)
Joseph J.S. LaFrange
John Hancock Lambert (1842-1916)
Edwin Irwin Landers
Mark Gordon Landers (1955-)
John Thomas Larabee (1883-)
Arnold Francis Laramee
Jules Medeiros (Laranja) LaRange (1872-1955) of St. Michael
Joseph Patrick Lavalle (1928-)
Gene Edmund LaVally (1952-)
Jesse B. Law, Jr. (1920-)
Joseph Lewis Lawrence (1893-1963)
Manny Lawrence (1890-)
Roy S. Leavett
Steven Maxfield Legge
Raymond Charles Leighton (1948-)
John Leite
Brett Robinson Leonard
Joseph Garcia (Leonardo) Leonard (1905-1953) of Fayal
Joseph Rozario Leonardo (1901-1962) of Lisbon, Portugal
Arthur L. Letourneau (1925-)
Andre Marc Levesque (1970-)
John Lewis
John F. Lewis
Manuel Da Rosa Lewis (1893-1970) of the Azores
Thomas C. Lewis (1873-) of Pico
Lena Lewis Maciel
Manuel Correira Lima (1907-1952) of the Azores
Manuel Vincent Lima (1887-1967) of the Cape Verde Islands
Edward Linhares
Robert Whitman Litchfield (1937-)
Joseph F. Lombard
Christopher Stetson Look, Jr. (1928-)
Douglas Keith Look (1940-)
Gary Robert Look (1956-)
Antone Silveira Lopes of Fayal
Cesar Lopes (1901-1978)
Charles Russell Luce (1902-1978)
Preston Robert Luce (1920-1985)
Robert Carlton Luce, Jr. (1963-)
Sandiford Bunker Luce (1949-)
Thornton P. Lyman
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Portuguese Genealogy Project.