Known Portuguese Families on Martha's Vineyard
"P" Surnames
The following list was extracted from the table of contents of Chapter
P of the first edition of Our Portuguese Heritage by Marianne Thomas.
Are you a descendant of one of these families? Do you have genealogical
or historical information about these Martha's Vineyard families that you
would like to share? Or is your Portuguese - Martha's Vineyard family not
represented here? We
would like to hear from you!
Families of:
Antone C. Pacheco (1895-1988) of the Azores
Joseph G. Pacheco (1863-1932) of St. Michael
Robert Pacheco (1947-)
Marion Julia Pacheco DeBettencourt (1902-)
Jencipo Pachico of St. Michael
Jules Pachico (1873-1953) of the Azores
Mary Pachico Mello
Charlotte Joan Marie Pachico (Medeiros) (1939-)
Manuel (Frank Rose) Packish of St. Michael
Lance Padgett
Claudino A. Paiva (-1963)
John A. Paiva (1902-)
Manuel Paiva (1895-)
John E. Palmeira (1901-1976) of St. Michael
Raymon Garland Paltz (1894-1947)
Reginald Brooks Pawle (1894-)
Ronald Ellis Peakes (1920-)
Jonathan Stanley Pease (1920-)
________ Pekor
Marc William Pelletier (1949-)
Frank J. Perry (1848-1913)
Joseph Carlo Perry (1901-1956)
Lester Perry (1909-1960)
Manuel Perry
Manuel Perry (1888-)
Manuel O. (Pachico) Perry (1892-1926)
Manuel Rodriques (Pereira) Perry (1870-1931) of Flamengos, Fayal
Manuel Simas Perry (1883-1958)
William Forrest Perry, Jr. (1942-)
Alfred E. (Perreira) Perry (1908-1965)
Joseph Rodrigue (1918-)
Mary A. Perry Silva of the Cape Verde Islands
Stanley Perry
William Perry
John (Da Costa) Peters of St. Michael
Mary Caton Peters Sylva (1876-)
Frank S. Phillips
Leslie Laurence Phillips (1949-)
Frank Phillips (1884-)
John Phillip Pience (1952-)
Thomas Clifford Pierce (1957-)
Peter Harold Pilsbalm (1962-)
Frank Pimental
John F. Pimental (1894-1945)
Joseph M. (Jose M.) Pimental (1868-1893) of St. Michael
Antone Pimental
Mary L. Pimental (c.1864-1918)
Joseph Terra Pine (1882-1970) of Fayal
Armanto (Armindo) Joseph Pinto (1890-1955) of Oporto, Portugal
Hilda Pinto Alfonso (1905-)
Jonathan Polleys (1965-)
Normand Machadeo Ponte
Matthew Anderson Poole (1932-)
Carlos Frutos Porrata
Michael Post (1952-)
Charles Marcus Poster
Robert Roland Pothier (1932-)
Stephen R. Pothier
Kenneth F. Powell (1888-)
Antone Enos (Pereiro) Prada (1842-1920) of St. George
Lucynthia Prada Madeiros (1831-1917) of St. Michael
Bruce Denton Pratt (1946-)
John Pray (a.k.a. Para/Prarie/Preida) (John Perreira Rodrigues (c. 1845-1916)
of Pico
Daniel Prisantel
Gerald Thomas Provost (1956-)
Joseph R. Pykosz
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