From pp. 518-523 of
The History of Martha's Vineyard, Vol. I
by Dr. Charles E. Banks.

The following list of persons belonging or credited to the Vineyard represents, as far as obtainable, the names of the persons who served in the army during the Civil War 1861-65, with a record of their Regimental and Company assignments. Many names in this list are those of non-residents and foreigners who received bounties from the several towns for filling their respective quotas. Most of these may be readily distinguished, but they are included as part of the record of the Vineyard in this War. The list has been compiled by the author from the original records in the Adjutant General's Office, Boston, Mass., and it is believed to be as complete, as well as authentic, as it is possible to make it from the material available.

See also Naval Service.

NAME AgeCredited to Reg'tCo. REMARKS
Adams, Wm. C.32Tisbury 45thH
Anderson, Nils 30Tisbury 11thH
Athearn, Eliaship A. Tisbury45thH
Barnes, John Edgartown 42ndDOf Virginia.
Bash, James 35Tisbury 5thFCavalry.
Beetle, Edward E. 22 Edgartown3rdF
Benson, David W. 32Tisbury 3rdCCavalry
Beaufort, Charles 23 Tisbury3rdC Alien. Artillery. Enlisted at Boston.
Bliss, Edward 21Chilmark 42ndH
Bollen, Charles 26Tisbury 56thF
Boswell, Joseph P. Chilmark43rdK
Bowles, Thomas Tisbury 42ndCOf Rhode Island.
Boyd, James Tisbury 42ndC
Bradley, Henry 19Tisbury 38thH
Brown, John Edgartown 42ndGMariner. Alien.
Budlong, Frank L. 28 Tisbury4thE Sergeant, Cavalry
Bunker, Elihu M. 22Edgartown 40thD
Buswell, James E. 28 Edgartown3rdF
Butler, Hebron Vincent Edgartown2nd Rhode Island Battery.
Cahill, Hugh 30Tisbury 28thA
Carr, John 26Edgartown 4thKPort Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.
Clark, Leonard 21Edgartown 1stHOf Connecticut.
Cleaveland, Thos. D. 23 Edgartown58thE
Cleaveland, Chas. W. 32 Edgartown3rdE Corporal.
Coffee, John M.30Tisbury 28thA
Coombs, Isaiah S.Edgartown 42nd D Alien.
Cornell, Enoch C.34 Edgartown 1st H
Covell, Frank Tisbury 42nd G Alien.
Crocker, Gilbert H. 18 Tisbury 42nd H
Crowell, Barzillai 22 Tisbury 20thI
Crowell, Jerry W. 25 Tisbury 3rd C Cavalry.
Curran, Edward Tisbury 42nd C Of Rhode Island.
Curtis, James W.41Edgartown 5th D Cavalry.
Dart, CarlEdgartown 1stK Of Connecticut.
Davenport, Peleg D. B. 25 Tisbury 25th I
Delahunt, James 44Tisbury 3rd K Unassigned.
Devine, PatrickEdgartown 48th H Alien.
Dexter, Thos. 25Edgartown 47th D
Diamond, James 41Chilmark 5th ICavalry.
Dindy, JohnEdgartown 1stB Of Connecticut. Mariner.
Dow, Samuel H. 34Tisbury 3rd C Cavalry.
Dowling, B. S. C. 29 Edgartown 18th K
Eastman, JohnTisbury 42nd G
Ellis, John R. 22Edgartown 40th D
Ellis, Wm. H.Edgartown 42nd D Of New York.
Evans, Benjamin F.24 Tisburv 6th C Veteran Reserve Corps.
Failey, MichaelEdgartown 48th H Alien.
Fall, JamesTisbury 42nd E Alien.
Fields, John44Tisbury 5th CCavalry.
Filley, Chas. C.21Tisbury 19thA First Lieutenant.
Fisher, CalvinEdgartown 28th C
Fisher, CyrusEdgartown 2nd H Andersonville Prison, 1864
Fisher, Geo. L.Edgartown 28th C
Fisher, John P.20Edgartown 3rd F
Gahegin, Thos.Edgartown 1stD
Geils, Jerod27Tisbury 3rd C Cavalry.
Getchell, James H.Tisbury 42nd C
Giacomo, GusevioTisbury 42nd C Alien.
Gleason, Jos. H.26Chilmark 42nd H Of New Hampshire.
Gorman, Wm.23Chilmark 42nd H
Gorman, James41Edgartown 42nd I Alien.
Gordon, Chas.Tisbury 31stH Enlisted Boston.
Gorse, ArthurTisbury 45th I
Gracy, David44Edgartown 42nd I Alien.
Gray, Geo.Edgartown 42nd D Alien.
Gregory, Samuel D.19 Chilmark42nd H Alien.
Griffin, Michael21Tisbury 48th H Third Inf., Reg. Army.
Grinnell, Oliver C.21 Gosnold24th G
Gromar, Henry29Tisbury 45th H Alien.
Hall, John23Tisbury 2nd A Mariner. Alien.
Hamblin, CyrusChilmark 1stC
Hammond, John W.Tisbury 3rd I Of Mattapoisett.
Harrington, Wm. H.33 Edgartown40th D
Hatham, JohnEdgartown 42nd D Alien.
Heft, John40Tisbury 3rd C Cavalry.
Hillman, Beriah T.20 Chilmark43rd K
Hillman, Benj.Tisbury 38th H
Hillman, Warren T.21 Chilmark43rd K Corporal.
Hinckley, Ambrose S. Tisbury3rd B Cavalry.
Hobart, Albert I.35Tisbury 45th G
Holmes, SamuelTisbury 42nd D Alien.
Howe, Wm. W.42Tisbury 45th H
Howland, James N.Tisbury 40th E
Johnson, John24Tisbury 56th G
Johnson, Peter Gay Head 44thCredited to Boston.
Kenney, Edward19Edgartown Engineer Corps, Regular Army.
Kilcup, John W.Tisbury 1st Credited to Boston.
Lane, Salmon B.Tisbury 42nd C
Lahiffe, TimothyEdgartown 48th H Alien.
Larrabee, Geo. H.24Edgartown 1st Assistant Surgeon.
Leady, John21Edgartown 1st K
Lewis, Edward R.24Tisbury 21st A First Lieutenant.
Lietch, RobertEdgartown 48th H Alien.
Luce, Asa R.29Tisbury 3rd C Cavalry.
Luce, Benjamin N.21Tisbury 20th I Enlisted Edgartown.
Luce, Edward D.41Chilmark 24th G
Luce, Franklin W.24Tisbury 18th E
Luce, John N.Edgartown 41st C
Luce, LeanderTisbury 3rd I
Luce, Lewis P.22Tisbury 41st C Died at Baton Rouge, La., 1863.
Main, James W.Tisbury 42nd Of Maine. Alien.
Malady, Thos.23Tisbury 61st H
Mathews, Thos.Edgartown 42nd D
Meara, Sherman T.28Tisbury 43rd K
Mayhew, Caleb D.Chilmark 1st Rhode Island Infantry.
Mayhew, John S.19Edgartown 58th E
Mayhew, John W.28Chilmark 43rd K
Mayhew, Joseph B.21Chilmark 3rd C Cavalry.
Mayhew, Timothy27 Chilmark 3rd C Cavalry.
Mayhew, Wm. BrandonTisbury 40th E
Merry, Wm. C.Tisbury 32nd I Illinois Infantry.
Millbank, John43Tisbury 1st K Artillery.
Milligan, Chas.23Tisbury 2nd B
Moore, William24Edgartown 54th F
Morse, Edmund B.21Edgartown 45th G
Mussey, Geo. B.Edgartown 1st I Cavalry Sergeant.
McCaulley, PeterEdgartown 48th H Alien.
McCollum, John L.18Tisbury 45th D Musician.
McGinty, Anthony Chilmark 22ndI
McIrney, Thos.19Tisbury 2nd KCavalry.
McKenney, Thos. F.Edgartown 42nd C Enlisted Boston.
McKenna, Bernard Tisbury 42nd COf Connecticut. Alien.
Newhard, FrancisTisbury Alien. Unassigned.
Nicholson, Angus G.Tisbury 42nd BAlien.
Nickerson, Lucas M.19 Tisbury45th H
Norton, Damon Y.34Edgartown 45th D
Norton, Francis35Edgartown 3rd G
Norton, Frank34Edgartown 2nd EArtillery.
Norton, Shubael M.23 Tisbury3rd F Sergeant of Artillery
O'Brien, Cornelius18 Tisbury 12thI Also 39th
O'Brien, JohnEdgartown 47th I Alien.
O'Connell, JamesEdgartown 48th H Alien.
O'Leary, Timothy45Tisbury Veteran Reserve Corps.
O'Shaughnessy, James Edgartown 42ndD
Osborne, JohnTisbury 42ndC
Packard, Davis H.Tisbury 45th G
Peak, WilliamTisbury 45thH
Pease, Francis, Jr.21 Edgartown40th D
Pease, Wm. W.42Tisbury 45th H
Pent, SamuelEdgartown 38th HLieutenant of Cavalry.
Phillips, JohnChilmark 42ndH
Quinn, John24Chilmark 42ndH
Ripley, Alonzo26Edgartown 40thD
Ripley, Jos. A.21Edgartown 3rdF
Roberson, Chas.Tisbury 56th K Enlisted Boston.
Rose, Alfred P. Gay Head 23rdUU. S. Colored Troops.
Scotchard, Jos.27Tisbury 4th E Killed at Petersburg, Va.
Shute, Richard G.18Edgartown 40th D Musician.
Simons, John26Tisbury 2nd E
Smith, Benjamin22Edgartown 40th D
Smith, Chauncey C.22 Edgartown 1st H
Smith, ChristopherEdgartown 42ndD
Smith, Elisha M.18Tisbury 20thI Gettysburg, July3, 1863.
Smith, Eliakim M.23Edgartown 58th E d. Salisbury Prison, 1864.
Smith, James31Edgartown 3rd F
Smith, John39Tisbury 1stG Cavalry.
Smith, Marcus M.22Edgartown 1stG
Smith, Wm. W. 26Edgartown 1stH
Sneffle, WilliamEdgartown 1stE
Swain, John T.18Tisbury 45th H
Thompson, William 20 Edgartown42nd HAlien.
Thompson, David S.44 Chilmark 20th AMusician.
Thompson, JamesTisbury 42ndD
Tilton, Cornelius L.21 Chilmark 1stC
Tilton, James N.27Edgartown 3rd F
Todd, Samuel40Tisbury 5th F Cavalry.
Totten, Wm. A. P.19Edgartown 1stH
Trembo, Christopher40 Tisbury 19thC Also Trembley.
Vincent, Chas. M.21Edgartown 40thD Second Lieutenant.
Vincent, Frederick M.24 Tisbury3rdL 1st Serg't; d. Ship Id., 1862
Vincent, Francis P.30 Edgartown3rdF
Vincent, Albert C.Edgartown 23rdDCredited to Near Bedford.
Vincent, James H.20Tisbury 45thH Corporal.
Waldron, Jos. B.20Tisbury 45th H
Weeden, Warren D.31Chilmark 43rd EOf North Carolina.
West, Thos. A.22Tisbury 3rd CSergeant of Cavalry; k. at Winchester, 1864.
West, Wm. D.Chilmark 43rdC
Wilbur, Henry C.22Edgartown 58thE
Wilbur, James28Tisbury 20thI
Wilbur, Jos. H.19Edgartown 3rd F
Widdup, JohnTisbury 3rd Cavalry. Enlisted Boston.
Wilson, Chas. B.Edgartown 42nd DAlien.
Wilson, Geo. E.Tisbury 42nd KAlien.
Worth, Jethro25Edgartown 3rdF
Wright, William43Tisbury 5thF Cavalry.

The above lists show a total of 185 men credited to Martha's Vineyard, divided among the towns as follows: Tisbury 88; Edgartown 73; Chilmark (including Gay Head and Gosnold I) 24. This does not correspond, except in the case of Tisbury, with the statements in the text, pp. 425-8, taken from Shouler's "Massachusetts in the Civil War." The original returns of the Selectmen to the Adjutant-General were examined and checked by the author, and the result is as near as can be obtained when the system of quotas and credits in vogue at that time is considered. Towns were required to furnish certain numbers when a "draft" was made, and if the quota was not forthcoming from the legal residents, the Selectmen resorted to the payment of bounties and bought the necessary number from other places. Frequently our town officials went to Boston and bid for them among the transients of the metropolis, in competition with other towns, at the recruiting booths. In this way the strange names in the above lists are accounted for, and their connection with the Vineyard thus legalized. This confusion was increased in many cases where towns exceeded their limit and the State authorities credited this surplus to places that were deficient, and such men were considered as belonging to their home town while filling a vacancy elsewhere. Frequently in the confusion of these large drafts no complete record of such transfers and credits would be made, and the result has been to create complications in the muster rolls and town credits that defy adjustment. This explanation may serve to show why it is impossible to establish a correct list of soldiers properly belonging to a given town during the war.

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