Known Portuguese Families on Martha's Vineyard
"S" Surnames
The following list was extracted from the table of contents of Chapter
S of the first edition of Our Portuguese Heritage by Marianne Thomas.
Are you a descendant of one of these families? Do you have genealogical
or historical information about these Martha's Vineyard families that you
would like to share? Or is your Portuguese - Martha's Vineyard family not
represented here? We
would like to hear from you!
Families of:
Jose Sabino
Antone P. Salvadore (1864-)
Tomer Samuel
John Thomas Santos (1896-1986) of Funchal, Madeira Islands
Joseph Hugo F. Santos (1897-1960) of Lourelyna, Portugal
Manuel Vital Santos (1876-1944)
Jose C. Santos (-1923)
Robert L. Saunders
Jonathan Sawyer (1942-)
Thomas Peter Scanlon (1947-)
Roy Timere Scheffer (1948-)
Vincent Schiavoni (1958-)
David Joseph Schwab (1958-)
Frank Earle Scott, Jr. (1932-)
Frederic Edward Scott (1917-1971)
Thomas Edward Scott (1957-)
Herbert H. Seaman (1903-)
Leland Prescott Searle (1906-1972)
William Sequeira of Portugal
John M. Sequeira (1896-1982)
Joseph M. Sequeira ( -1967)
Manuel J. Sequeira (1888-1961)
Manuel J. C. Sequeira (1897-1956)
Victor Sereda
Joseph Serpa (1907-) of Angustias, Fayal
Michael Servis
Douglas Earle Seward (1947-)
William Joseph Shannon, Jr. (1928-)
Thomas E. Shaw (1943-)
Jeremiah Shea (1907-)
Peter George Shemeth (1953-)
Harry W. Sherwood (1924-)
Charles E. Shew
Thomas Shultz (1896-1930)
Norman Ralph Shute
Judith Howland Sibert Sylvia (1958-)
Antone King Silva (1850-1928) of St. George
Antone L. Silva (1889-1983) of Fogo, Cape Verde Islands
Antone Manuel Silva (1884-1963) of Flores
Antone Tavas Silva (1864-1940) of St. Michael
Francis J. Silva (1810-) of Pico
John Oliveria (Silvia) Silva (1902-1976)
Joseph T. Silva
Mack Silva (1888-1943) of the Azores
Manuel Silva (1842-1878) of St. George
Manuel Silva of Azevedo, St. George
Manuel J. Silva (1819-1912) prob. of Fayal
Manuel Perry Silva (a/k/a Manny Lawrence) (1890-1960) of the Madeira Islands
Manuel Simas Silva (1892-1972)
Isaltine Silva Mello
Jose S. Silva
Manuel M. Silva (1879-) of Brava, Cape Verde Islands
Michael Silva
Manuel Correira Silva (a/k/a Manuel Correira) (1884-) of St. Michael
Walter A. Silveira, III
Adrian Silvia (1845-1932) of St. Michael
Frank P. Silvia (1884-) of the Azores
Manuel Daniel Silvia (1886-) of Pico
Manuel P. Silvia (c.1871-1933) of St. Michael
Manuel R. Silvia (1908-)
Reuben George Silvia (1907-1969) of St. Michael
Theophilus Miguel Silvia (1877-1959) of St. Nicholas, Cape Verde Islands
Raymond Anthony (Sylvia) Silvia
[See also Silva / Silvia / Sylvia Families of
Martha's Vineyard.]
Richard Simmons
Rodney W. Smalley
Charles John Smith (1950-)
Edward Smith
Frederick Thomas Smith (1937-)
Harold James Smith (1915-)
Harry S. Smith (1922-1968)
John E. Smith
Lorenzo Smith (1815-1896)
Louis (Texeira) Smith (1965-)
Nelson Crosby Smith (1925-)
Walter Colby Smith (1940-)
William Mayhew Smith (1922-)
Edward Smith (1862-)
Margaret Harvey Smith (1896-)
Robert L. Snider, Jr.
Michael Snowden (1957-)
Russell Farnum Snowden (1929-)
Manuel P. Soares (a/k/a Swartz) (1888-1956) of St. Michael
Antonio B. Soares (1903-1966)
Soares (see also Swartz)
William Theodore Souweine (1914-)
Antonio Souza
Lewis Rogers Spencer (1889-) of the Cape Verde Islands
William John Stafursky, Jr. (1948-)
Richard J. Stanton (1946-)
Andrew R. Steele
Stephen Gary Steere
Richard Thomsen Steigelman (1944-)
Raymond Daniel Stendardi (1953-)
Arthur Douglas Stewart (1924-)
Joseph Stiles, Jr. (1925-)
John Stone (1952-)
Robert Vinson Stone
Stanley Alec Strelecki, Jr.
Leonard Strople
Joseph Sullivan
Theodore Paul Sullivan (1908-)
Joseph Glenn Sutton
Caton (Soares) Swartz (1878-1935) of St. Michael
Jules (Olivero) Swartz (a/k/a Jules Swartz Olivero) (1860-1923) of St. Michael
Manuel Oliveria Swartz (1876-1950) of St. Michael
Manuel Sousa (Soares) Swartz (1876-)
Manuel Swartz (1882-)
Manuel Swartz (1896-1956)
Manuel H. Swartz (1905-1966)
Manuel S. Swartz
Raymond Oliver Swartz (1950-)
Swartz (see also Soares)
James Robert Sweeney, Jr.
Thomas J. Swift
Manuel Sylva (1874-1959)
Mary Caton Peters Sylva (1876-1946)
Clara L. Sylva Smith (1864-)
Alberto Edward (De) Sylvia (1864-1939) of St. Mary
Alfred A. Sylvia
Anthony Raymond (Silvia) Sylvia (1890-1974) of Pico
Antone Sylvia
Antone Duart (Silvia) Sylvia (a/k/a Antonio Duart) (1865-1928) of Fayal
Edmund P. Sylvia
Manuel Sylvia, Jr.
Manuel Amos Sylvia, Jr. (1909-1972)
Manuel C. Sylvia
Manuel King Sylvia (1873-1944) of St. George
Paul Sylvia
Edward James Sylvia (1955-)
Isabell Sylvia Andrews
Joseph King Sylvia (1856-1935)
Joseph King Sylvia (1884-) of Fayal
Mary M. Sylvia Andrews (c.1877-)
[See also Silva / Silvia / Sylvia Families of
Martha's Vineyard.]
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