Known Portuguese Families on Martha's Vineyard
"M" Surnames
The following list was extracted from the table of contents of Chapter
M of the first edition of Our Portuguese Heritage by Marianne Thomas.
Are you a descendant of one of these families? Do you have genealogical
or historical information about these Martha's Vineyard families that you
would like to share? Or is your Portuguese - Martha's Vineyard family not
represented here? We
would like to hear from you!
Families of:
Michael Mac Lean
Gilbert Henry MacDonald (1921-)
Norman Bertie MacDougall (1914-)
Manuel Machadeo (1866-) of the Azores
John Perry Machado (1917-)
Joseph S.Machado (1873-1960)
Manuel S. (Machadeo) Machado (1833-1923)
Antone Ferreira Maciel of Fayal
Joseph F. Maciel of Fayal
Alfred Viera Maciel
Antone F. Maciel (1893-)
John F. Maciel
Clyde Edwin MacNeill (1898-)
Merian Madeiras of St. George
Alfred Pachico Madeiros (1906-)
Manuel J. Madeiros (1870-1958)
Celia E. Madeiros Gosta (1909-)
Manuel A. Madeiros
Ralph P. Madeiros
George Gustave William Magnuson (1899-1990)
Donald J. Maguire
Carl Albert Malmquist
Thomas Francis Manley (1944-)
Daniel Manning (1982-)
Eugene Manzoni
Peter George Marathas
Lloyd Palmer Marchant (1921-)
Anthony Marciel (1913-1987)
Robert Aimee Marcotte
Willard Marshall Marden, Jr. (1921-)
William Bernardino Marinelli (1885-1955)
Joseph A. Marshall (1889-1956)
Helen M. Marshall Maciel
Irene Clara Marshall Hardie
Raymond H. Marshall (1906-1918)
Antone Martin
Antone Nunes Martin (1904-) of Portugal
Barry Wayne Martin
John E. Martin (1871-1938) of Terceira
Lila E. Martin Cosmo
Algis J. Martisauskas (1945-)
Antone Madeiros Maseda (1884-1954)
George Maury (c. 1842-?) of the Azores
Carmel Mavro
Robert John Mazza (1935-)
Clark Warren McBride (1952-)
George Gordon McCagg (1931-)
Shawn Michael McCarron
Gregg Edward McCleenan
Robert McClellan (1927-)
John Hickle McCracken (1925-)
Gerald McDermott
Gerard Edward McGrath (1958-)
William A. McMahon (1917-)
David McMullen
Danny Noel Meader (1952-)
Charles Medeiros (1901-)
Edward Medeiros (1902-)
Francis Kenneth (Alley) Medeiros (1920-)
Frank Medeiros of Cedros, Fayal
John Medeiros (1887-) of Fayal
Kevin Medeiros
Raul B. Medeiros (1866-) of Povoacao, St. Michael
Annie Mary Medeiros (Alley)
Antone Medeiros (Alley)
Antone H. Medeiros (Alley)
Domingo Pachico Medeiros (Alley)
Frank Medeiros (Alley)
George P. Medeiros (Alley)
Manuel A. Medeiros (Alley)
Arthur Joseph Medina (1924-)
Theo H. Mees, Jr.
Ernest Pachico Mello (c.1884-1940)
Frank Cabral Mello of St. Michael
Gabriel Pachico Mello (1904-1973)
John Mello
Manuel Mello
Manuel C. Mello of St. Michael
Manuel Moniz Mello (1908-)
Frank Mello
Manuel A. Mello
Manuel Cabral Mello of St. Michael
Shandry Mello (1879-1924)
John Joseph Mendence (1820-1911) of Flores or
Manuel C. Mendence (1818-1894) of the Azores
Manuel C. Mendence of Fayal
________ Mendez
John B. Mendez (1910-)
Daniel Mercurio
David Lee Merritt (1963-)
Manuel N. Mesquita (1870-1928)
Frederick R. Metell (1876-) of the Azores
Joseph Metell (1882-1937) of the Azores
Timothy Lee Miller
Gene Darrell Mills (1938-)
Jesse Vernon Minor (1931-)
Charles A.Mitchell
Carmen Mongillo
Eugene Moniz (c. 1851-1930) of St. Michael
Maria Moniz Mello (1895-) of St. Michael
Joseph H. Monize
Joseph Montesion
Thomas Towell Montgomery (1926-)
Robert Lee Moore (1938-)
Peter Antone Moreis (1901-) of St. Nicholas, Cape Verde Islands
John D. Morelli
Jesse Francis Morgan (1925-)
Robert Taylor Morgan (1923-)
Charles Forbes Morrice (1947-)
Stephen C. Morris (1963-)
Gary Southworth Mosher (1931-)
Arnold John Muckerheide (1916-)
Harry Mullineaux (1893-)
David John Munn (1942-1988)
Brian Ernest Murphy (1959-)
Christopher W. Murphy (1946-)
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